Maryland Basement and Crawl Space Waterproofing
wet basement

Interior Basement Waterproofing

When water enters your basement, you must stop it immediately. When you see water in your basement, it can be a sign that there are foundation issues causing cracks for water to leak into your basement. Typically basement waterproofing issues are caused by a crack in your basement wall or water leaking through the cove joint (the point where your basement wall meets the floor). Having an interior basement waterproofing system installed in your basement makes these problems easily solvable. Our team at Maryland Basement and Crawl Space Waterproofing has experience helping homeowners deal with various basement waterproofing issues inside their homes.

We can help you identify where your basement leaks from and install an interior waterproofing system to help stop the leak at the source. Whether we are filling wall and floor cracks or installing a sump pump system, our team knows the method that will work best to stop the leak.

leaking basement wall

What Causes Interior Basement Waterproofing Issues?

Various causes can cause basement waterproofing issues, including wall and floor cracks or faulty plumbing. Our team specializes in identifying these causes and repairing these issues. When your basement has water issues, they are most likely caused by excess water in the soil around your home. As this water builds up, it seeks out other areas of low pressure. These can occur when the water outside of your foundation finds a crack or seam in your basement wall or floor that is improperly sealed. Our team can fill these cracks and provide you with a waterproofing system to expel water away from your home.

What Signs To Look For

When checking your basement for signs of water intrusion, it is important to check for the easy-to-spot signs first. Large puddles and damp basement walls are clear signs of water entering your basement from the outside. Once you have found these spots check for cracks in your basement walls and floors, it is important to note that even the smallest crack may be letting water into your basement. In addition, you can check to see if there are any large gaps in the area where your basement walls meet the floor.

Our experts are trained to identify these issues and, during any routine inspection and consultation, can point these issues out to you.

Our Interior Waterproofing Systems

There are a variety of systems that contractors use to repair basement leaks. That means there are as many correct ways to stop water intrusion as wrong. Thankfully, our Maryland Basement and Crawl Space Waterproofing team only values the highest quality of work, employing the best methods and waterproofing systems in the industry. We use high-quality products to waterproof basements. The products we install, from drain tiles to sump pump systems, will keep your home dry longer.

Water Collection Systems

The first step is to collect the water that is entering into your basement. There are a number of different products that can accomplish this and our team will choose the correct one depending on your situation and how the water is entering your home.

Water Diversion Systems

Once the water is collected, it must be diverted and sent to a sump pit to remove it from the basement. This is done with a series of products comprising channels that safely direct the water around the basement to the pit.

Basement Sump Pumps

Sump pumps are an important part of any basement waterproofing system. These pumps are designed to collect the water normally leaking into your basement and expel it outside the home. We install these systems to help homeowners who live in areas with heavy run-off from snow or rain to help keep their basements safe and dry.

Basement Dehumidifiers

An important part of any waterproofing system is a dehumidifier. This product will help ensure the humidity levels are under control and prevent mold or mildew growth. We have many different types, sizes, and capacities for every situation your home could have.

Contact Our Experts For Interior Basement Waterproofing

If you have noticed any of the problems above, contact our experts online or call 410-934-1319 immediately to schedule an inspection and basement waterproofing services.

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